Holiday Cleaners, Inc

Holiday Cleaners was first established in the mid 1960’s at its current location in the Cove Terrace Shopping Center in Copperas Cove, Texas. It is currenty the longest tenured cleaning servicein town. It has had only 5 owners during this time period and the current owners have owned the cleaners since June 1989. The cleaners is currently owned by a family with strong community ties since the 1930’s.

We pride ourselves on our service and product output to our past and especially current customers. Our counter staff pride themselves on knowing our customers by their first names and having their clothes at the counter before they get inside the door.


Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday -- 7am - 6pm

Saturday -- 8am - 12pm

Sunday -- Closed

Clean and press only Tuesday - Friday

Same day service Tuesday - Friday

Between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, the presses run Monday - Friday.